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Metadata is the term used to describe all the ancillary information about an image that might be important to the user.

This page captures all the metadata items that are present in ICEYE imagery. You can use the search bar at the top from any page and enter the metadata element you are interested in and it will find it on this page.

ICEYE Product Metadata (Version 2.4)

Format Metadata Elements Description Type Unit Example HDF5 SLC-XML GEOTIF AMP-XML
acquisition_end_utc UTC time for when the last pulse of the scene was sent ASCII UTC time 2019-03-10T18:20:00.307546
acquisition_id Identitification number for this acquisition ASCII int 469840
acquisition_mode Acquisition mode used ASCII text Stripmap, Spotlight
acquisition_prf Pulse Repetition Frequency used for the acquisition float64 Hz 4823.00342969132
acquisition_start_utc UTC time for when the first pulse of the scene was sent ASCII UTC time 2019-03-10T18:19:50.316054
angX X-component of the antenna pointing orientation vector of float64 TBP
angY Y-component of the antenna pointing orientation vector of float64 TBP
angZ Z-component of the antenna pointing orientation vector of float64 TBP
ant_elev_corr_flag Flag indicating if antenna elevation pattern compensation was applied int64 flag 1
antenna_pattern_compensation Amplification factor applied for antenna pattern compensation (for each range sample) vector of float numbers [1.8106, 1.8103...1.0956,1.0957]
AREA_OR_POINT geotif flag indicating if this is an area collection or a point collection ASCII text Area' or 'Point'
avg_scene_height Average elevation over ellipsoid (calculated using SRTM or other low resolution global DEM) float32 meters 661
azimuth_ground_spacing Azimuth sample spacing in meters with the average ground projected velocity float64 meters 1.44733
azimuth_spacing Azimuth sample spacing in meters with the average ground projected velocity float64 meters 1.44733
azimuth_look_bandwidth Bandwidth of each look in range (only for GRD products) float64 Hz 1157.2
azimuth_look_overlap Overlap of adjacent looks in azimuth (only for GRD products) float64 Hz 289.3
azimuth_looks Looks in azimuth direction (for SLC products it is 1) int64 number 3
azimuth_resolution 3dB resolution of this data product float64 meters 2.49
azimuth_time_interval Time interval between azimuth samples in the SLC product. (=1/processing_prf) float64 seconds 0.0002073
calibration_factor Factor to be applied to calibrate detected products to absolute brightness intensity float64 number 1.2341123e-05
carrier_frequency Carrier frequency of the radar system, static parameter float64 Hz 9650000000
chirp_bandwidth Bandwidth used for radar pulse (defines achievable radar range resolution) float64 Hz 134000000
chirp_duration Duration of chirp float64 seconds 4.1473e-05
coord_center Centre coordinate [x(col), y(row),lat,lon] [int32,int32, float64, float64] coordinates [8440,22139,34.86704,-117.99988]
coord_first_far First azimuth row far range coordinate. [x(col), y(row),lat,lon] [int32,int32, float64, float64] coordinates [16878,1,35.17738,-118,11233]
coord_first_near First azimuth row near range coordinate. [x(col), y(row),lat,lon] [int32,int32, float64, float64] coordinates [1,1,35.12016,-117.74549]
coord_last_far Last azimuth row far range coordinate. [x(col), y(row),lat,lon] [int32,int32, float64, float64] coordinates [16878,44298,34.61222,-118.24414]
coord_last_near Last azimuth row near range coordinate. [x(col), y(row),lat,lon] [int32,int32, float64, float64] coordinates [1,44298,34.55509,-117.88013]
data_orientation Can be either "native" or "shadows_down". This describes the data inside the product storage arrays. 'native' means columns are for increasing range and increasing rows are slow time. ''shadows-down' means increasing rows are increasing range and columns represent slow-time direction ASCII text "native"
dc_estimate_coeffs Doppler centroid coefficient as a 2D array, size MxN, where M is the number of DC estimates, and N is the (DC polynomial order+1) 2D array of float64, size MxN number [[5.417583e+03, 1.130813e+07, -8.125472e+09,7.947223e+12], ... [5.417583e+03, 1.130813e+07, -8.125472e+09,7.947223e+12]]
dc_estimate_poly_order Order of polynomial describing one doppler centroid estimate int64 number 3
dc_estimate_time_utc Timestamp for each doppler centroid estimate ASCII list Time (UTC) ['2019-03-10T18:19:51.775477'],['2019-03-10T18:19:52.775477'],['2019-03-10T18:19:53.775477'],['2019-03-10T18:19:54.775477']]
Doppler_Centroid_Coefficients XML Block of data containing sets of coefficiencts in a . Each Coefficient. Has a list index number , a and a . These are then followed by +1 coefficients (), each marked with a number () and a value (). See Doppler Centroid Coefficient Schema Coefficient Block Hz
Doppler_Rate See Doppler Rate Coefficients Schema Coefficient Block
doppler_rate_coeffs Coefficients of doppler rate polynomial as a function of range time. Stored as a vector with size corresponding to the order of the doppler rate polynomial vector of float64 number [5.124592968269841e+03; -1.153864338674892e+06; 2.582540352459471e+08; -5.572042961000484e+10]
doppler_rate_poly_order Order of polynomial describing doppler rate range dependence int64 number 3
first_pixel_time Two-way slant range time origin, corresponding to the near range (1st range sample) float64 seconds 0.004398670017444
fsl_compensation Amplification factor applied for free space loss compensation (for each range sample) vector of float64 numbers [1.0457, 1.0457...1.0841,1.0841]
gcp_terrain_model Options are WGS84 for Ellipsoid, EGM96 for GEOID, DEM for DEM based ASCII text
geo_ref_system Geographic reference frame indicator for scene coordinates and orbit state vectors ASCII text WGS84
grd_amplitude Amplitude array (only for GRD products). Sigma-nought conversion factor of sin(inc_angle) applied. as ‘sample_precision’ number array
grsr_coefficients ground range to slant range polynomial coefficients (only for GRD product) vector of float64 number [6.467483312430216e+05; 0.47388031307797884; 6.685331046296479e-07; -4.928145432555108e-13; 5.0525558404285224e-20]
GRSR_Coefficients See GRSR_Coefficients schema Coefficient Block
grsr_ground_range_origin ground range origin for GRSR conversion number 0
grsr_poly_order Order of polynomial describing ground range to slant range projection dependence (only for GRD product) int64 number 4
grsr_zero_doppler_time ground range origin zero Doppler time ASCII UTC time 2019-04-08T14:50:13.120113
height_spline Python numpy spline parameters for surface height used to focus image hickle meters
heading Satellite heading at centre of imaging operation float64 degrees
incidence_angle_coefficients coefficients of the polynomial for calculating the incidence angle dependence in range vector of float64 number [ 2.67986035e+01; 8.66207416e-05; -5.61940883e-11; -1.73946139e-17; 8.22003978e-23]
Incidence_Angle_Coefficients See Incidence_Angle_Coefficients XML Block Schema Coefficient Block number
incidence_angle_ground_range_origin incidence angle origin in ground range, for calculating incidence angle dependence in range float64 number 0
incidence_angle_poly_order order of the polynomial for calculating the incidence angle dependence in range int64 number 4
incidence_angle_zero_doppler_time incidence angle origin zero Doppler time ASCII UTC time 2019-04-08T14:50:13.120113
incidence_center incidence angle in ground at middle range float64 degrees 23.5
incidence_far incidence angle in ground at far range float64 degrees
incidence_near incidence angle in ground at near range float64 degrees
lat_spline Python numpy spline parameters for image pixel latitudes hickle degrees
local_incidence_angle Array of values describing the local incidence angle or each range sample in the scene []float64 degrees
look_side Look side of the acquisition, only 2 options LEFT or RIGHT ASCII text LEFT
lon_spline Python numpy spline parameters for image pixel longitudes hickle degrees
mean_earth_radius mean WGS84 ellipsoid radius over scene float64 meters 6371346.049
mean_orbit_altitude mean sensor altitude above WGS84 ellipsoid float64 meters 595177.494
number_of_azimuth_samples Number of azimuth samples (number of rows in binary data) int64 number 44298
number_of_dc_estimations Number of doppler centroid estimates int64 number 9
number_of_range_samples Number of range samples (number of columns in binary data) int64 number 16878
number_of_state_vectors Total number of orbit state vectors provided for the scene int64 number 120
orbit_absolute_number Absolute number of orbits since launch int64 number 1447
orbit_direction Specifies whether the orbit is in ascending or descending node at the time of acquisition ASCII text ASCENDING or DESCENDING
orbit_processing_level PREDICTED (based on orbit propagation model ) RAPID (uses onboard GPS data ) PRECISE (corrections applied after GPS data received in ground using high precision orbit propagator (eg ODTK) SCIENTIFIC (Uses precise ground-based measurements together with all above to post-fix orbit to best possible) ASCII Text
orbit_relative_number Relative number of orbit within the repeat cycle int64 number 1447
orbit_repeat_cycle Ground track repeat cycle (to be included) int64 number 99999
Orbit_State_Vectors See Orbit_State_Vectors XML Schema Coefficient Block
pitch Pitch angle of the satellite attitude float degrees 11.5
polarization Transmit and receive polarizations used ASCII text VV
posX X-component of state vector position, for each state vector vector of float64 meters [-2401162517… -2456350660]
posY Y-component of state vector position, for each state vector vector of float64 meters [-5201254993… -5253761907]
posZ Z-component of state vector position, for each state vector vector of float64 meters [3963994744… 3859728760]
processing_prf Pulse Repetition Frequency used for the processing, defines azimuth sample spacing in time (can be higher than acquisition in cases where the Doppler frequency needs to be unfolded due to high variation of Doppler centroid with range) float64 Hz 9646.00685938265
processing_time Timestamp provided by the SAR processor saying when the image for processed ASCII UTC Time 2020-05-27T05:01:49.123456
processor_version Version number of the processor used to generate the product float64 number (internal version numbering)
product_level Processing level ASCII text SLC, GRD
product_file File name of this product ASCII text ICEYE_X2_SLC_SM_16519_20200102T155349.h5
product_name ICEYE_datasetID_eventID_(YYYYMMDD)T(HHMMSS) ASCII Text ICEYE_2457_123123_20191201T056721
product_type Product type (if we have product names for different imaging modes) ASCII text Stripmap, StripmapHigh, Spotlight, SpotlightHigh
range_look_bandwidth Bandwidth of each look in range (only for GRD products) float64 Hz 53600000
range_look_overlap Overlap of adjacent looks in range (only for GRD products) float64 Hz 13400000
range_looks Looks in range direction (for SLC products it is 1) int64 number 3
range_resolution_center Scene centre range resolution float64 meters 2.15
range_resolution_far Range resolution at the far edge of the image float64 meters 1.93
range_resolution_near range resolution at the near edge of the image float64 meters 2.49
range_sampling_rate Sampling rate used for digital sampling, defines range sample spacing in time float64 Hz 157500000
range_spread_comp_flag Flag indicating if free space loss compensation was applied int64 flag 1
ref_track_point_ecef reference point for image in earth centred earth fixed coordinate frame []float64 m array
ref_track_point_lla reference poInt for image in terms of latitude, longitude and altitude []float64 deg,deg,m array
RPC RPC according to Coefficient Block
s_i Real part of the SLC complex array (only for SLC products) as ‘sample_precision’ number array
s_q Imaginary part of the SLC complex array (only for SLC products) as ‘sample_precision’ number array
sample_precision Precision used for binary data samples ASCII text float32, int16
satellite_look_angle Satellite look angle float64 degrees 23.5
satellite_name Name of the satellite ASCII text ICEYE-X2, ICEYE-X4...
scan_beams Provides information Scan beams used in Scan mode (SCAN MODE ONLY) Struct
slant_range_spacing Spacing between two consecutive slant range samples in meters (SLC ONLY) float64 meters 0.95172208888
slant_range_to_first_pixel Two-way slant range distance corresponding to near range (1st sample) float64 metres
spec_version Version of the Level 1 Product Format Specification document float64 number 2.3
state_vector_time_utc Timestamp for each orbit state vector list of ASCII UTC time [2019-03-10T18:19:48.000000, ...]
total_processed_bandwidth_azimuth Doppler bandwidth used for azimuth compression (defines achievable azimuth resolution) float64 Hz 2893
tropo_range_delay Mean signal path length correction (one way) that has been applied to correct for tropospheric propagation float64 meters 2.4
velX X-component of state vector velocity, for each state vector vector of float64 meters/sec [-3285.698...-3245.220]
velY Y-component of state vector velocity, for each state vector vector of float64 meters/sec [-3162.667...-3051.016]
velZ Z-component of state vector velocity, for each state vector vector of float64 meters/sec [-6130.372...-6208.463]
window_function_azimuth Windowing function used over azimuth frequencies ASCII text taylor_20_4
window_function_range Windowing function used over range frequencies ASCII text taylor_20_4
yaw Yaw angle of the satellite attitude float degrees
zerodoppler_end_utc Time corresponding to when the satellite was at the zero Doppler position for the last scene pulse ASCII UTC time 2019-03-10T18:20:00.960210
zerodoppler_start_utc Time corresponding to when the satellite was at the zero Doppler position for the first scene pulse ASCII UTC time 2019-03-10T18:19:51.775477